Hong Kong 2005
Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese
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Chapter 10: Social Welfare*
The Government is committed to
maintaining a caring and just society.
While it encourages self-reliance and
active participation in economic and social
life, it also provides a safety net for those
least able to help themselves. Emphasis is
placed on strengthening family solidarity,
fostering mutual care in the community
and promoting partnerships with different
segments of the community.

The Social Welfare Advisory Committee, the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, the Elderly Commission and the Women's Commission advise the Government on social welfare policy. The Health, Welfare and Food Bureau is responsible for formulating welfare policies and overseeing their implementation which is executed by the Social Welfare Department (SWD).

In 2005, the total expenditure of the SWD was $32.2 billion, of which $23.4 billion (72.7 per cent) was for financial assistance payments, $6.4 billion (19.9 per cent) for recurrent subventions to non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and the remaining $2.4 billion (7.4 per cent) for departmental expenditure, including $500 million for hire of services.

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