Hong Kong 2005
Traditional Chinese Simplified Chinese
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Chapter 8: Health*

Ensuring that no one is denied adequate
medical treatment through lack of means
is a fundamental part of the Government's
healthcare policy. Maintaining the
continuity of primary and secondary
health care is also of central importance
and in July the Health and Medical
Development Advisory Committee
published a discussion paper on strategies
for the future.

As the statistics show, Hong Kong, with its low and steadily declining infant mortality rate and maternity mortality ratio and its significant improvement in life expectancy over the last 20 years, continues to rank among the most developed countries in terms of its health indices.


  Vital Statistics in 2005
  Infant Mortality Rate 2.4 per 1 000 registered live births
  Maternal Mortality Ratio 1.8 per 100 000 registered live births
(One case of registered maternal death)
  Life Expectancy 2005
78.8 (Male)
82.5 (Male)
84.4 (Female)
88.0 (Female) projected
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